pemilik website ini adalah Muda Mandiri Cemerlang, namun sejak pemberitahuan ini diterbitkan, website ini adalah contoh website dari

hal ini dikarenakan belum ada pembayaran dalam pembuatan website ini dari pihak Muda Mandiri Cemerlang.

untuk pemilik merek a.o smith, website ini hanya contoh, apabila dikemudian hari pihak pemilik merek merasa keberatan dalam penampilan logo, saya bersedia untuk mencopot gambar logo tersebut.

Jakarta, 18 November 2012

the owner of this website Muda Mandiri is Shining, but since the notice is published, the website is an example of website

this is because there is no payment in making this website from the Muda Mandiri Shining.

ao smith for brand owners, the website is only an example, if in the future the brand owners objected to the appearance of the logo, I am willing to remove the logo image.

Jakarta, 18 November 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

ELJH, Horizontal Cylinder Model

A. O. Smith produced its first water heater in 1936. Since then, plumbing professionals have come to rely on us more than any other manufacturer, because we provide more hot water solutions for their customers, including...

  • 99% efficient Cyclone XHE® commercial water heaters
  • Conservationist® residential water heaters with our patented Blue Diamond™ protective coating
  • Genesis® commercial boilers with the industry's most advanced electronic control systems The range of A. O. Smith residential and commercial water heater choices is unmatched. Our technological leadership is unchallenged. Our manufacturing network straddles the globe. At the end of the day, however, we judge ourselves not by our size and strength, but by how well we serve every customer.

For millions of consumers, business owners, property managers, and specifying engineers worldwide, A. O. Smith has meant quality and innovation in hot water solutions for nearly 70 years. Today, A. O. Smith manufactures and markets a comprehensive line of residential and commercial water heaters as well as high-efficiency copper tube boilers, hot water storage tanks, and pump tanks. In addition, we offer some of the best-known water heater brands in the industry. A. O. Smith patented the process for glass lining a water heater tank in 1936, and the glasslined water heater remains the standard of the industry today. Our modern manufacturing operations in the United States, Canada, Mexico, China, and the Netherlands serve millions of customers all over the world every year.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A.O. Smith Electrical Water Heater

American technology that ensures you have a water heater that works in Indian water conditions.
Heating technology that will always give you hot water… Guaranteed!
Our new innovative solutions are often copied but never equalled.
Energy Saving
Saves time. Saves energy. Saves money.
Blue Diamond Glass-Lined Tanks. Glass Coated Elements. Colour Options.
Excellent Service
Tube 8-year leak warranty and spare parts 1 year
 Call: 021-5663848, 56961850, 56962015

ELJH series cylinder wall mounted electrical water heater
  • Elegant and beautiful appearance, in line with your household aesthetics
  • Thermostat, heating element and anode integrated into one single assembly, making installation, servicing and cleaning-up convenient.
  • Pointer type thermometer makes water temperature visible.
  • Steepless temperature regulation knob, to allow regulation all as you desire, to ensure comfort in bathing.
  • Extra thick non-freon insulation for high efficiency and power saving.
  • Special glass-lined coating and having passed the 100.000 cycle fatigue life test of the UL ( Underwrites Laboratories) in the United States.
Durable Glass-Lined Steel Tank
The steel for tank is pre treated by sandblast, to improve the adherence of the coating. The coating is sprayed on the tank evenly, and dried at a high temperature of 870 celsius degree, so the it is well integrated with the steel wall, and can expand freely with the tank. It provides effective resistence against rusting, corrosive effects of hot water and scalling. It is not only a partented technique belonged to A.O Smith, developed 65 years ago, but also a standard for todays water heater tank.

Super powerfull pressure withstanding performance
Each batch of tank is subjected to the pressure withstanding test 21kg/cm. It has passed the service life test of 100.000 cycles according to the stringent UL standard of the United States.

INCOLOY Electric Heater Element with Ceramic Based
Commercial Grade INCOLOY is better than Cooper Heater Element, for protection against Oxidation & Scalling, suitable for use in Hard Water Area.

A Heavy Duty American Made Anode Red Protection
The Anode Red is a highly effective corrosion fighting system utilizes cathodic action to protect internal tank surface from corrosive elements.

Polyurethane Foam Insulation
It is CFC-Free & 40& to 100% thicker than common electric water heater, provides better heat preservation to save power.

Specialized welding process
Automated high-speed welding lines.PLC controlled automatic gas protection welding it used ensuring high quality.


Tentang Kami

 PT. Muda Mandiri Cemerlang terletak di Komplek Pertokoan Grawisa, Jl. P. Tubagus Angke. Toko kami menjual Electric Water Heater dengan Merek A.O. Smith produk dari USA.

Kami merupakan toko penyedia Water Heater, kami siap melayani Anda.

Tips Memilih Pemanas Air Elektrik

Memakai pemanas air atau yang lebih populer disebut dengan water heater saat ini telah menjadi sebuah kebutuhan penting dalam rumah tangga. Memang, untuk memilih pemanas air yang ideal bagi kebutuhan dan biaya tidaklah mudah.

Berikut ini adalah tips bagi Anda untuk memilih pemanas air yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan Anda :

Storage Water Heater (pemanas air yang menggunakan tabung penyimpan air)
Tipe ini (yang menggunakan tabung penyimpanan) adalah yang paling umum digunakan dan biasanya menggunakan listrik maupun gas sebagai sumber panasnya. Dan penggunaan gas biasanya lebih murah dibandingkan listrik.

Karena menggunakan tangki (storage), hal yang perlu Anda perhatikan adalah kebutuhan air yang akan digunakan dan semakin banyak berarti anda harus memilih tangki pemanas air yang lebih besar dan semakin besar tempat yang anda butuhkan untuk menaruh tangki pemanas air tersebut.

Kelebihan dari tipe ini adalah air panas akan tersedia setiap saat karena air di dalam tabung akan secara berkala dipanaskan tetapi di lain sisi, biaya listrik per bulan untuk tipe ini lebih besar di banding lainnya.

Tankless atau on-demand water heater

Tipe pemanas air ini tidak menggunakan penampung air tetapi langsung melakukan pemanasan melalui unit koil yang ada pada saat digunakan.

Kelebihan dari tipe ini adalah biaya listrik per bulan lebih kecil tetapi di lain sisi untuk mendapatkan panas yang cukup, daya listrik di rumah harus cukup besar.

Kekurangan dari tipe pemanas air ini adalah ketersediaan air panas tidak dapat selalu disediakan, terutama untuk pengguna yang ingin menggunakan air panas secara berkesinambungan dan dalam jumlah yang besar

Friday, November 9, 2012

Terima Kasih

Terima Kasih telah menghubungi kami
Kami akan segera menghubungi Anda.

Contact Us

pemilik website ini adalah Muda Mandiri Cemerlang, namun sejak pemberitahuan ini diterbitkan, website ini adalah contoh website dari

hal ini dikarenakan belum ada pembayaran dalam pembuatan website ini dari pihak Muda Mandiri Cemerlang.

untuk pemilik merek a.o smith, website ini hanya contoh, apabila dikemudian hari pihak pemilik merek merasa keberatan dalam penampilan logo, saya bersedia untuk mencopot gambar logo tersebut.

Jakarta, 18 November 2012

the owner of this website Muda Mandiri is Shining, but since the notice is published, the website is an example of website

this is because there is no payment in making this website from the Muda Mandiri Shining.

ao smith for brand owners, the website is only an example, if in the future the brand owners objected to the appearance of the logo, I am willing to remove the logo image.

Jakarta, 18 November 2012

PT. Muda Mandiri Cemerlang

Komplek Pertokoan Grawisa
Jl. P. Tubagus Angke No 2
Jakarta Barat 11460
Telp:021-5663848, 56961850, 56962015

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